Remarkable lessons in our spiritual walk with Christ, in this life can be gained from the Green Beret's training program. Discovery Channel aired a documentary showing the rigorous qualification testing volunteers must endure in order to prove themselves fit for the famous Green Beret Armed Forces group. They must prove themselves:

• physically fit,
• psychologically able to endure enormous physical demands; however,
• Integrity: able to carry out their mission alone or in a team as instructed when no one is watching,
• a spiritual component shows itself to be a vital quality,
to most recruits who successfully qualify for the grueling two week ordeal where they are either accepted or rejected for the privilege to continue into Green Beret course training.
Many recruits did not last the first several hours or even the first day. They had a choice of voluntary exit the program or get eliminated. They operated sleep deprived to simulate the battlefield in this test environment with a few hours of sleep; they were called into action at any time of the day or night. Those who were over-confident or even arrogant were quickly eliminated since they had no idea of the difficulty of the program they were about to endure.
• The Green Beret's Motto: "To Liberate the Oppressed"
To follow formal reason, the achievement of the above motto requires a personal sense of Apriori mission in the soldier's heart. It must require a sense of non judgmental thinking as if they "deserved it" somehow, but focusing on the tyrannical injustice to the victim of those circumstances inflicted upon those victims, far above their ability to liberate themselves.
That sense of mission resides in us by that sense of "eternity" planted in our hearts as described in the book of Ecclesiastes and Augustine, to inherently know good and evil on the same standard as our Creator-God, Yahweh who says, "I am the Lord; I change not".
I fail to see how a non-believer could follow that sense of mission, since his foundation is set on his own subjective sense of good and evil which may change from day to day, week to week or whatever situation he may find himself, a subjective shifting-sand type of right and wrong that is so prevalent in our society as God hating entities continue to ram their Godless agenda down the throats of those who believe through fallacy filled legislation, Constitutional error and Judicial decisions by judges who appoint themselves as legislators, ultimately resulting in the violation of everyone's First Amendment Rights on a defective premise our God fearing forefathers never intended. A soldier on a shifting- sand faulty foundation could never achieve this mission To Liberate the Oppressed.
Two Weeks: Two Parts - Solo Performance And Team Performance
Week One focused on solo performance. They were taken out into the training environment wilderness in the middle of the night with only rudimentary direction finding equipment - a map and a compass. They were specifically instructed to avoid high traffic routes where they could be ambushed or spotted in a battlefield environment, especially traffic route bottlenecks where the enemy would spot them.
Their route finding required them to cross swamps, trackless wilderness without trail, high risk to parasites and other wild beasts, while avoiding the easier traffic routes as they were instructed, all during the middle of the night.
Although they carried flashlights, they were instructed not to use them since the enemy in a battlefield environment would spot them miles away and reveal their location. They were also given packs weighing 50 to 100 pounds. Should they be caught using a flashlight, it would be cause to immediately expel them from the course.
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• physically fit,
• psychologically able to endure enormous physical demands; however,
• Integrity: able to carry out their mission alone or in a team as instructed when no one is watching,
• a spiritual component shows itself to be a vital quality,
to most recruits who successfully qualify for the grueling two week ordeal where they are either accepted or rejected for the privilege to continue into Green Beret course training.
Many recruits did not last the first several hours or even the first day. They had a choice of voluntary exit the program or get eliminated. They operated sleep deprived to simulate the battlefield in this test environment with a few hours of sleep; they were called into action at any time of the day or night. Those who were over-confident or even arrogant were quickly eliminated since they had no idea of the difficulty of the program they were about to endure.
• The Green Beret's Motto: "To Liberate the Oppressed"
To follow formal reason, the achievement of the above motto requires a personal sense of Apriori mission in the soldier's heart. It must require a sense of non judgmental thinking as if they "deserved it" somehow, but focusing on the tyrannical injustice to the victim of those circumstances inflicted upon those victims, far above their ability to liberate themselves.
That sense of mission resides in us by that sense of "eternity" planted in our hearts as described in the book of Ecclesiastes and Augustine, to inherently know good and evil on the same standard as our Creator-God, Yahweh who says, "I am the Lord; I change not".
I fail to see how a non-believer could follow that sense of mission, since his foundation is set on his own subjective sense of good and evil which may change from day to day, week to week or whatever situation he may find himself, a subjective shifting-sand type of right and wrong that is so prevalent in our society as God hating entities continue to ram their Godless agenda down the throats of those who believe through fallacy filled legislation, Constitutional error and Judicial decisions by judges who appoint themselves as legislators, ultimately resulting in the violation of everyone's First Amendment Rights on a defective premise our God fearing forefathers never intended. A soldier on a shifting- sand faulty foundation could never achieve this mission To Liberate the Oppressed.
Two Weeks: Two Parts - Solo Performance And Team Performance
Week One focused on solo performance. They were taken out into the training environment wilderness in the middle of the night with only rudimentary direction finding equipment - a map and a compass. They were specifically instructed to avoid high traffic routes where they could be ambushed or spotted in a battlefield environment, especially traffic route bottlenecks where the enemy would spot them.
Their route finding required them to cross swamps, trackless wilderness without trail, high risk to parasites and other wild beasts, while avoiding the easier traffic routes as they were instructed, all during the middle of the night.
Although they carried flashlights, they were instructed not to use them since the enemy in a battlefield environment would spot them miles away and reveal their location. They were also given packs weighing 50 to 100 pounds. Should they be caught using a flashlight, it would be cause to immediately expel them from the course.
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